Sep 18·edited Sep 18Liked by Slope of Hope

Still hooked. Think you could do more regarding the cell phone. How did it end up on the floor? He just dropped it? I think he'd likely have tried text someone (Dylan?) as soon as he became uneasy and then Flynt would have to remove it from him forcibly.

edit: scratch the above. I see it's critical to subsequent plotline :)

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Sep 17Liked by Slope of Hope

Excellent opening scenes!

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Sep 17Liked by Slope of Hope

Think I’ll make myself a Pimm’s cup later today.

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Sep 17Liked by Slope of Hope

I’m still interested in what happens to Peterson. If you’re not killing him sometime soon you could add something making him even more likable, which would make the reader even more interested in his situation.

Way2Go //Peter

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There are 73 chapters to this thing. Hang in there.

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