Sep 18Liked by Slope of Hope

Very nice start, Tim. It has me hooked.

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Sep 16Liked by Slope of Hope

Good start with the smell bit!

Nice product idea InSight!

I would change in one sentence…

It would be difficult to characterize the exact nature of the bouquet, since the fragrance was an unpredictable combination of materials…  


It would be difficult to characterize the exact nature of the fragrance since it was an unpredictable combination of materials… 

Otherwise off to a perfect start, Tim! Look forward to the next chapter.

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I like it! Keeps those suggestions coming as the chapters tumble out.

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Sep 16Liked by Slope of Hope

Great first Chapter !! Your writing style is captivating. Looking forward to tomorrow's chapter.

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Thanks, Ken. I appreciate that!

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Sep 16Liked by Slope of Hope

You have me hooked, Tim! A small correction. You need 3 pilots for long international trip in your Gulfstream, not 2. And there’s a sleeping area for a pilot in the Gulfstream 650.

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I never would have known that, thank you! I'll make that tweak!

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Nice way to get edits. I like that. :)

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Sep 16Liked by Slope of Hope

Excellent start, intriguing.

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Sep 16Liked by Slope of Hope

Grabs your attention! Looking forward to being a Davos insider…

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I’m delighted that the first chapter has come out and I look forward to hearing your reactions.

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